The limit begins here
Plastic decoys can be effective in the early season, but as you hunt those late season, stale birds you need to change your game plan. Those birds have seen plastic all season long. Use the real feathers on your Boland Decoys to soften up those educated ducks and keep your success rolling through the end of your season.
See the UDS difference

The Ultimate Decoy System offers power in small numbers. Cut your setup time in half by choosing UDS instead of plastic decoys, and you won't need to throw out 5 dozen decoys anymore. Ducks prefer to see real feathers and that's exactly what you'll have to offer.

Boland Decoys are made in America and finished by YOU. We form the floating bases to either a mallard drake or hen size. Then you add hide from your harvested duck to complete the Ultimate Decoy System.

Once you complete your decoys, they will last several seasons before you need to apply a new skin. They are strong enough to withstand all hunting conditions.